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001123_owner-lightwav…mail.webcom.com_Thu Oct 19 05:52:41 1995.msg
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Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 13:41:54 +0100 (BST)
From: Kier Darby <u9500747@bournemouth.ac.uk>
To: lightwave@mail.webcom.com
Subject: Simply the best.
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Here at the National Centre for Computer Animation in the UK we use a
network of 80 sickeningly fast Hewlett Packard Graphics Workstations each
with 128MB RAM or more, and run an application called CGAL (Computer
Graphics Animation Language). These render frames in almost real time
even with a really complex scene... but...
At home, I run an Amiga 1200 with 12MB RAM and a 33MHz 040, and I don't
think I really need to reveal which system I'd rather spend my long
nights in front of.
Lightwave really does eat every other package I've come across for
breakfast, and does so in at most half the time. You can check out the
*sort of* animations we pump out from here in the UK if you watch the
"Krypton Factor" in which second year students produce the short animated
sequences. These do look impressive, but boy do they take a long time to
set up (like... WEEKS) whereas I could set up the same thing in Lightwave
on my humble Amiga in a night.
When will people accept that you don't need to spend 30,000 UK pounds on
a single unit terminal when you could quite happily run Lightwave on a
fast Pentium or 060 Amiga (or even a DEC Alpha for not a lot more)?
Oh well. One day the world will wake up and Newtek will make a push into
the educational market... probably.
National Centre for Computer Animation, UK
Kier Darby <u9500747@bournemouth.ac.uk> sent this message.
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